For the Financial Year Ending. This Modern Slavery Statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines the steps Agree2Act has taken to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking do not take place in our business or supply chains
- Introduction
Agree2Act is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings. We recognise our responsibility to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and are dedicated to maintaining transparency in our practices to protect human rights.
2. Our Business and Supply Chains
2.1 Nature of Our Business
Agree2Act is an innovative domestic and international credit management agency that thrives when promoting business growth and development.
SMEs can choose from our range of reliable services tailored to their organisations and have a trusted partner to help them achieve a competitive edge.
A simplified credit control process enables our clients to mitigate credit risk, increase their cash flow and reduce their unpaid receivables.
Organisations can leave the time-consuming financial admin functions to us so they can focus on doing what they do best: grow their business.
2.2 Supply Chain Overview
Our supply chains include services provided in the United Kingdom and countries that are members of the European Union. We work with various suppliers, contractors, and partners, and recognise the risk of modern slavery within global supply chains.
3. Policies and Governance
3.1 Modern Slavery Policy
We have implemented a Modern Slavery Policy to prevent exploitation and abuse in our business and supply chains. This policy outlines our zero-tolerance approach and the responsibilities of all employees and partners.
3.2 Other Relevant Policies
- Whistleblowing Policy: Encourages employees and stakeholders to report concerns confidentially.
- Supplier and Subcontractor Policy: Governs onboarding and regular reviews of our suppliers and subcontractors.
4. Risk Assessment and Due Diligence
4.1 Risk Assessment
We assess the risks of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains, focusing on high-risk sectors and regions.
4.2 Due Diligence
Our due diligence processes include:
- Conducting supplier audits and assessments.
- Requiring suppliers to provide evidence of compliance with modern slavery laws.
- Evaluating potential new suppliers based on their labour practices.
5. Training and Awareness
We regularly train employees to raise awareness of modern slavery risks. This training helps staff identify signs of modern slavery and understand their role in preventing it.
6. Future Steps
Agree2Act is committed to continuous improvement in addressing modern slavery risks. In the coming year, we will:
- Enhance our supplier engagement and monitoring processes.
- Review and update our training programs.
- Strengthen partnerships with industry groups to combat modern slavery
7. Approval
This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Agree2Act and will be reviewed annually. It was last updated on 01/09/2024.